
121 entries « 2 of 3 »


Vecchia, P. Della; Nicolosi, F.; Ruocco, M.; Stingo, L.; Marco, A. De

An improved method for transport aircraft for high lift aerodynamic prediction. Conference

vol. Paper 254, 6th CEAS Air & Space Conference Aerospace Europe , Bucharest, Romania, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Lombardi, R.; Fioriti, M.; Boggero, L.; Verde, L. Lo; Catino, N.; Mirzoyan, A.; D’Ippolito, R.

Automated Selection of Airliner Optimal On-board Systems Architecture within MDO Collaborative Environment. Conference

vol. Paper 258, 6th CEAS Air & Space Conference Aerospace Europe , Bucharest, Romania, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Prakasha, P. S.; Ciampa, P. D.; Boggero, L.; Fioriti, M.; Aigner, B.; Mirzoyan, A.; Isyanov, A.; Anisimov, K.; Savelyev, A.

Airframe – On Board System – Propulsion System Optimization for Civil Transport Aircraft: AGILE EU project. Conference

vol. Paper 270, 6th CEAS Air & Space Conference Aerospace Europe , Bucharest, Romania, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Panzeri, M.; Savelyev, A.; Anisimov, K.; D’Ippolito, R.; Mirzoyan, A.

Uncertainty quantification and robust design optimization applied to aircraft propulsion systems. Conference

vol. Paper 271, 6th CEAS Air & Space Conference Aerospace Europe , Bucharest, Romania, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Charbonnier, D.; Vos, J. B.; Prakasha, P. S.; Mirzoyan, A.; Savelyev, A.; Vecchia, P. Della

Low Speed Take-Off Aerodynamic Analysis. Conference

vol. Paper 272, 6th CEAS Air & Space Conference Aerospace Europe , Bucharest, Romania, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Baalbergen, E.; Moerland, E.; Lammen, W.; Ciampa, P. D.

Methods Supporting the Efficient Collaborative Design of Future Aircraft. Conference

vol. Paper 844, 6th CEAS Air & Space Conference Aerospace Europe , Bucharest, Romania, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Torrigiani, F.; Ciampa, P. D.

MDO Architectures Comparison: from Analytical Test Case and Aerostructural Aircraft System Design Problems. Conference

vol. Paper 851, 6th CEAS Air & Space Conference Aerospace Europe , Bucharest, Romania, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Walther, J. N.; Ciampa, P. D.

Knowledge-based airframe design using CPACS. Conference

vol. Paper 852, 6th CEAS Air & Space Conference Aerospace Europe , Bucharest, Romania, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Ciampa, P. D.; Nagel, B.

AGILE Aircraft Development Process. Conference

vol. Paper 876, 6th CEAS Air & Space Conference Aerospace Europe , Bucharest, Romania, 2017.

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Lammen, W.; de Wit, B.; Vankan, J.; Timmermans, H.; van der Laan, T.; Ciampa, P. D.

Collaborative design of aircraft systems – Multi-Level Optimisation of an aircraft rudder. Conference

vol. Paper 898, 6th CEAS Air & Space Conference Aerospace Europe , Bucharest, Romania, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Zhang, M.; Jungo, A.; Bartoli, N.

Disciplinary Data Fusion for Multi-Fidelity Aerodynamic Application. Conference

vol. Paper 953, 6th CEAS Air & Space Conference Aerospace Europe , Bucharest, Romania, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Lefebvre, T.; Bartoli, N.; Dubreuil, S.; Lombardi, R.; Panzeri, M.; Lammen, W.; Zhang, M.; van Gent, I.; Ciampa, P. D.

Overview of MDO enhancement in the AGILE project: A Clustered and Surrogate-Based MDA Use Case. Conference

vol. Paper 956, 6th CEAS Air & Space Conference Aerospace Europe , Bucharest, Romania, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

van der Laan, T.; Hootsmans, L.; Panzeri, M.; D’Ippolito, R.

Robust optimization of a rudder hinge system taking into account uncertainty in Airframe parameters. Conference

vol. Paper 957, 6th CEAS Air & Space Conference Aerospace Europe , Bucharest, Romania, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

van Gent, I.; Rocca, G. La; Hoogreef, M. F. M.

CMDOWS: A proposed new standard to store and exchange MDO Systems. Conference

vol. Paper 969, 6th CEAS Air & Space Conference Aerospace Europe , Bucharest, Romania, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Kaminski, J.; Torre, G.; Tomasella, F.; Rao, N. K.

AGILE Academy-Student Collaborative MDA. Conference

6th CEAS Air & Space Conference Aerospace Europe , Bucharest, Romania, 2017.

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van Gent, I.; Rocca, G. La

Recent developments for MDO system formulation: KADMOS and CMDOWS. Conference

1st European Workshop on MDO for Industrial Applications in Aeronautics – Challenges and Expectations , Braunschweig, Germany, 2017.

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Ciampa, P. D.

Management and reconfiguration of MDO workflow in the EU project AGILE. Conference

1st European Workshop on MDO for Industrial Applications in Aeronautics – Challenges and Expectations , Braunschweig, Germany, 2017.

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Dubreuil, S.; Bartoli, N.; Gogu, C.; Lefebvre, T.

Towards an Efficient Global Multidisciplinary Optimization based on surrogate models Conference

1st European Workshop on MDO for Industrial Applications in Aeronautics – Challenges and Expectations , Braunschweig, Germany, 2017.

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Rizzi, A.

Towards the next generation collaborative MDO: The AGILE Project. Conference

RAeS Aerodynamics CFD-MDO conference , London, UK, 2017.

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van Gent, I.; Lombardi, R.; Rocca, G. La; D’Ippolito, R.

A Fully Automated Chain from MDAO Problem Formulation to Workflow Execution. Conference

EUROGEN 2017 , Madrid, Spain, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Zhang, M.; Melin, T.; Gong, J.; Barth, M.

Mixed Fidelity Aerodynamic and Aero-Structural Optimization for Wings Conference

vol. Paper 279, 7th EASN Workshop , Warsaw, Poland, 2017.

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Anisimov, Kirill

Combined algorithm for determining aerodynamic characteristics for the purpose of optimizing the air intakes of subsonic aircraft of integral configurations (in Russian). PhD Thesis

Moscow, 2017.

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Ciampa, P. D.

AGILE Project @ECN : The next generation of collaborative MDO. Conference

IFAR-ECN Meeting , Moscow, Russia, 2017.

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Fioriti, M.; Boggero, L.; Corpino, S.; Isyanov, A.; Mirzoyan, A.; Lombardi, R.; D’Ippolito, R.

Automated Selection of the Optimal On-board Systems Architecture within MDO Collaborative Environment. Conference

vol. AIAA Paper 2017-3150, AIAA Aviation 2017 , Denver, USA, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

van Gent, I.; Rocca, G. La; Veldhuis, L.

Composing MDO Symphonies : Graph-based Problem Formulation to Enable Automated Execution for Large MDO Systems. Conference

vol. AIAA Paper 2017-3663, AIAA Aviation 2017 , Denver, USA, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Ciampa, P. D.; Nagel, B.

The AGILE Paradigm : the next generation of collaborative MDO. Conference

vol. AIAA Paper 2017-4137, AIAA Aviation 2017 , Denver, USA, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Ciampa, P. D.; Moerland, E.; Seider, D.; Baalbergen, E.; Lombardi, R.; D’Ippolito, R.

A collaborative Architecture supporting AGILE Design of Complex Aeronautics Products. Conference

vol. AIAA Paper 2017-4138, AIAA Aviation 2017 , Denver, USA, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

van Gent, I.; Ciampa, P. D.; Aigner, B.; Jepsen, J.; Rocca, G. La; Schut, J.

Knowledge architecture supporting collaborative MDO in the AGILE Paradigm. Conference

vol. AIAA Paper 2017-4139, AIAA Aviation 2017 , Denver, USA, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Lefebvre, T.; Bartoli, N.; Dubreuil, S.; Panzeri, M.; Lombardi, R.; D’Ippolito, R.; Vecchia, P. Della; Nicolosi, F.; Ciampa, P. D.; Anisimov, K.; Savelyev, A.

Methodological enhancements in the MDO process investigated in the AGILE project. Conference

vol. AIAA Paper 2017-4140, AIAA Aviation 2017 , Denver, USA, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Daoud, F.

Aeroelastic Shape and Sizing Optimization of Aircraft Products supported by AGILE Design Paradigm. Conference

vol. AIAA Paper 2017-4141, AIAA Aviation 2017 , Denver, USA, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Prakasha, P. S.; Ciampa, P. D.; Boggero, L.; Fioriti, M.; Aigner, B.; Mirzoyan, A.; Isyanov, A.; Anisimov, K.; Kursakov, I.; Savelyev, A.

Collaborative System of Systems Multidisciplinary Design Optimization for Civil Aircraft : AGILE EU project. Conference

vol. AIAA Paper 2017-4142, AIAA Aviation 2017 , Denver, USA, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Keye, S.; Klimmek, T.; Abu-Zurayk, M.; Schulze, M.; Ilic, C.

Aero-Structural Optimization of the NASA Common Research Model. Conference

vol. AIAA Paper 2017-4145, AIAA Aviation 2017 , Denver, USA, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Vecchia, P. Della; Stingo, L.; Corcione, S.; Ciliberti, D.; Nicolosi, F.; Marco, A. De; Nardone, G.

Game theory and evolutionary algorithms applied to MDO in the AGILE European project. Conference

vol. AIAA Paper 2017-4330, AIAA Aviation 2017 , Denver, USA, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Bartoli, N.; Lefebvre, T.; Bons, N.; Martins, J.; Morlie, J.

An adaptive optimization strategy based on mixture of experts for wing aerodynamic design optimization. Conference

vol. AIAA Paper 2017-4433, AIAA Aviation 2017 , Denver, USA, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Gu, X.; Prakasha, P. S.; Ciampa, P. D.; Anisimov, K.; Savelyev, A.

An Application of Airframe Engine Integrated Optimization in Distributed Overall Aircraft Design Framework. Conference

vol. AIAA Paper 2017-4438, AIAA Aviation 2017 , Denver, USA, 2017.

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Dubreuil, S.; Gogu, C.; Bartoli, N.; Lefebvre, T.

Adaptive random field discretization for optimization under uncertainties. Conference

WCSMO12 , Braunschweig, Germany, 2017.

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Gastaldi, Alessandro

Development of a Double-Lattice Method Program for Aeroelastic Analysis in Conceptual Aircraft Design. Masters Thesis

EPFL – CFS Engineering, 2017.

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Verhagen, B. M.

Optimization of non-planar wing aircraft configurations – Accounting for low speed mission segments. Masters Thesis

TU Delft – NLR, 2017.

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Beijer, Bastiaan

Implementation of a collaborative environment to support the integration of 3rd generation MDO frameworks. Masters Thesis

TU Delft – NLR, 2017.

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Makus, Andreas

Development of a Knowledge-enabled Tool Repository to Support Automated Generation of Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Workflows. Masters Thesis

TU Delft-KEWorks, 2017.

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Schuurman, Menco

A Methodological Approach for Enabling the Analysis and Assessment of Multidisciplinary Design Workflows. Masters Thesis

TU Delft, 2017.

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Tomasella, Francesca

Development of algorithms for on-board systems preliminary design in a multidisciplinary framework. AGILE Academy Incubator. Masters Thesis

Polytechnico di Torino, 2017.

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Daoud, F.; Dornwald, J.; Ernstberger, P.; Frantzen, H. P.; Maierl, R.; Deinert, S.; Petersen, O.

High-Performance Aircraft Through Innovative Development Process and Methods. Conference

AIAA SciTech 2017 , Grapevine, USA, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Zhang, M.; Rizzi, A.

Disciplinary Data Fusion of Aerodynamic Data Base for Flight Simulation. Conference

Swedish Aerospace Technology Congress , Stockholm, Sweden, 2016.

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Ciampa, P. D.; Nagel, B.

AGILE project: Towards the next generation in Collaborative MDO. Conference

6th EASN Workshop , Porto, Portugal, 2016.

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Lefebvre, T.; Bartoli, N.; Lafage, R.; Ciampa, P. D.

AGILE DC-1 MDO process using an efficient global optimization approach. Conference

6th EASN Workshop , Porto, Portugal, 2016.

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Zhang, M.; Rizzi, A.; Jungo, A.; Vos, J. B.

Automated Meshing and Data Fusion applied to create Aerodataset for AGILE DC-1 Configuration. Conference

6th EASN Workshop , Porto, Portugal, 2016.

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Fioriti, M.; Boggero, L.; Corpino, S.; Lombardi, R.; Panzeri, M.

Aircraft system architectures selection for aircraft design optimizaiton in an automated process. Conference

6th EASN Workshop , Porto, Portugal, 2016.

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Vecchia, P. Della; Nicolosi, F.; Marco, A. De; Stingo, L.; Nardone, G.

The AGILE method applied to aircraft design at the University of Naples. Conference

6th EASN Workshop , Porto, Portugal, 2016.

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van Gent, I.; Rocca, G. La; Veldhuis, L.

A novel graph-based system for AGILE configurations and execution of MDO workflows. Conference

6th EASN Workshop , Porto, Portugal, 2016.

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121 entries « 2 of 3 »