AGILE Academy

The kick-off workshop has been hosted at DLR Hamburg on 15th -17th  of May 2017

AGILE is developing the next generation of aircraft Multidisciplinary Design and Optimization processes, which target significant reductions in aircraft development costs and time to market, leading to cost-effective and greener aircraft solutions.

The AGILE Academy initiative is conceived to infuse into the Academic organizations and educational environments the AGILE Paradigm, and make available all the technologies developed within the AGILE Project. 

AGILE Academy consists of a series of activities carried out in collaboration with the Academic and Research institutions, supported by the Industry partners. Such activities will support educational activities, such as student’s thesis and University workshops and courses, in order to promote and to make available the AGILE technologies to the entire Academic community. Two main activities are proposed:

 Phase 1 – AGILE Incubator: 1 team of distributed students, collaboratively working on a common design task. This phase is dedicated to introduce the AGILE Paradigm and deploy the AGILE technologies within the educational activities of the Academic AGILE Partners.

 Phase 2 – AGILE Challenge: multiple distributed teams of students, collaboratively working and competing on multiple design tasks. This phase is dedicated to the dissemination and exploitation of AGILE technologies outside the AGILE Consortium.


The AGILE Academy Incubator is dedicated to students enrolled at the Academic Institutions which are part of the AGILE Consortium, and which currently performing thesis\internships\project works in the field of aircraft design and MDO.

Incubator Setup

The Incubator Phase aims to setup and to develop a collaborative MDO team composed by students which are geographically distributed, and currently engaged in developing independent research works supported by the AGILE Academic Institutions.

The capabilities developed during the independent works will be integrated into a collaborative design task, by making use of the AGILE technologies. The team will reflect the heterogeneity and complementary nature of the AGILE Consortium, in terms of roles and design competences.

The Phase 1 Incubator will last from May 2017, with the KOM until the Period June-September 2017, accounting for the individual schedule of the team members


A 3 days KOM workshop has been hosted by DLR Hamburg to introduce to the AGILE Academy student’s team the “AGILE Paradigm” and its components. The workshop’s focus was on:

  • AGILE Paradigm Introduction
  • Hands-on sessions on AGILE technologies
  • Café workshop on on-going activities
  • Setup and Planning of the design task